Junk Training is no different than Junk Food…It’s not helping your body look, feel, and function better. Find out why you’re not getting the results you deserve.
Practice doesn’t make PERFECT. Practice makes PERMANENT.
Wherever exercise you are practicing, doesn’t mean you are getting FITTER, you are getting better AT that specific move.
Choose your PRACTICE wisely!
Every exercise inHardCore Training Center has to pass the FitCAT test to determine if it’s making you Fit for Life & Sports, or just tired and sore.
CAT is short for CATALYZER™, but its also an acronym for:

1. Core Engine Rotation:
Unlike turtles which have the most stable cores on the planet, 99% of human movements in life and sports use the Core as an engine to produce powerful rotational forces. If you’re not rotating in every movement you’re not optimally training 50% of your muscle mass to produce power and burn fat.
2. Alternating Legs:
Unlike Kangaroos, 99% of human movements in life and sports Alternate which leg you’re on. If you’re not alternating power from one foot to the other or training one leg at a time, you’re missing out on making your entire body more powerful and athletic.
(Balance & Coordination):

According to Thomas Myers, the World’s foremost expert on fascia/connective tissue “Movement—especially when it is loaded, whole body, and variable in rhythm—is food for the body.” Sadly, most exercise programs are starving you of the 6-Pack infused, 3-D movement fuel, your body needs to look lean, feel great, and function optimally. Working together, we can ensure your body never leaves a workout “hungry” again.

You’ll notice in the images below how every 3-D movement, in every one of the 40 sports shown, incorporates Core Engine rotation/Alternating legs/Thinking (Balance & Coordination) at different speeds, loads, and vectors. This is how we train…Also, notice the force these athletes are generating is not directed straight upward, but rather at a variety of angles relative to the ground. This is how we train…

Even if you have no interest in being an athlete, Life imitates Sports, far more than Sports imitate Life. Dynamic Correspondence is the academic term used to describe the “transferability” of training.
We believe in overloading only the highest quality movements that pass the FitCAT test and have the greatest transferability to life & Sports.