Your Core Engine is the largest and most powerful muscle system in your body (and the one capable of burning the most fat!), and it’s also responsible for powerful rotation—the kind you use when you throw, strike or swim.
Here’s a Quick Quiz to Determine If You’ve Wrecked Your Core Engine:

1. Sit on the floor, legs straight out in front. Now “stabilize/tighten/plank” your core—i.e. don’t rotate hips/shoulders–and try to Walk; Throw; Punch; Swing a racquet. Sucks right? That’s what a wrecked Core Engine feels like!
2. Now go ahead and “walk”/throw/punch/swing while dynamically rotating your hips and shoulders…Notice how much easier and more powerful every movement is when you use your Core as an Engine.
Aside from functional improvements, training your Core Engine in every exercise can significantly increase the number and size of your mitochondrial fat-burning factories, making it a LOT easier to get leaner.
3. Don’t get up just yet…Try simulating an overhead press, push up/bench press, kettlebell swing, squat, deadlift, pull-ups, row, bicep curls…While these exercises are great at making you better at bilateral/symmetrical exercises in the gym, they fail to engage the rotational muscles and fascia of the Core Engine, and thereby fail to provide adaptations that directly improve function and performance outside of the gym.
HardCore Training Center is the only Gym where the training is specifically designed to overload the Core Engine in every repetition of every exercise, getting you incredible results in less time.
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