Functional Training Gym in Downtown Ketchum

how can we help you?
It pains us to see people wasting time on ineffective exercises and getting unnecessary injuries.
Let us leverage 60 years of experience to help YOU get leaner, stronger, and more fit…without getting hurt.

Training Center

Training with us, you can transform your body and take your fitness to the next level. Whether you train privately, or join a small group class, we’ll deliver the 6 things your body needs—but isn’t getting—from every workout.

Online Training

There’s no place like home for Next Level Fitness.
We’ve created hundreds of Online FUNctional Training workouts you can do at home, outdoors, or on the go. And most importantly you get the Next Level 6-Dimensional Fitness you deserve AnyWhere, AnyTime!
If You Want the Body & Fitness You’ve Never Had
You need the workout you’ve never done.
Whether you’re training to climb Mt Everest —like NFL player Mark Pattison on left— or want to be super fit for all of your outdoor activities—like Jim Mora NFL Coach on right— or just look good naked 🙂—like World Class Athlete and Trainer Bill Nurge in the middle— we’ve got your back on getting better, without getting hurt.
BILL NURGE, M.A. Exercise Physiology
Naty nurge, m.s engineering
A Good Trainer Can Change Your Workout
The Right Trainer Will Change Your Life.
Dare to Train Better
The World Needs
The Best Version
Of YOU!!

1. STRENGTH at all loads/angles/speeds to be stronger for Life and Sports.
2. STAMINA in all of your muscles to burn more fat, and feel energized all day.
3. MOBILITY in every joint to move more freely, reduce injuries, and feel younger.
4. MUSCLES that are lean, powerful, & function optimally for your active lifestyle.
5. COORDINATION to improve sports performance and overall athleticism.
6. CORE DYNA-STABILITY to eliminate back pain, and move with confidence.
When it comes to getting results from training, it’s never about what works.
It’s about what works better…

“Until I met Bill, I thought I knew a lot about training. I’ve been working out with trainers my entire life, and had no idea I was wasting so much time, and energy. Now, instead of just trying to make my muscles big with weights, I’m giving my body the 6 things it needs to stay as young as possible, for as long as possible.”
~Paul, 78. Ketchum.

~Lacie, 32. Sun Valley.
Aging Body The 6 Things it Needs
Get better without getting hurt at Hardcore Training Center Gym in Sun Valley.
Ready to Feel Younger, Look Leaner, & Function Better in Life and Sports?
Or Call Us 208.720.1829